I am Irma, @irmatherapydog, and I am working at Be Kids Psychology Clinic every Tuesday and Thursday with my human, Stine, who is a family psychotherapist and couples counsellor.
You might ask what a therapy dog like me can help you with? In the therapy room I will be supporting you with my loving attention, non-judging personality, and unconditional positive regard. Sometimes we will train skills together or play, depending on who you ask. We might also enact role plays or go for walks together to ease the therapy process. At other times I might just be your calm couch companion that supports you through the inevitable ups and downs of therapy.
Research supports my positive effect in maintaining client engagement and supporting therapeutic outcomes. Often clients will describe that they experience a reduction in their body’s stress levels as well as an increase in their overall mental well-being when they spend time with me. In research articles this is referred to as the ‘oxytocin effect’. My clients will often feel a surge of hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine as they engage in a meaningful way with me. I create a safe space wherefrom healing can begin.
I feel best when I am working with Stine. I am always super friendly to everyone I meet, and I strive to be my most respectful self – this means redirecting my intense sniffing away from humans towards objects. I would describe myself as extremely human-focused, very affectionate, and rather superior at tuck of war. Although I am an experienced therapy dog (3 years +) I attend regular supervision to support my own self-regulation. I can still get very excited if someone throws a ball and I do struggle with a strong fear of missing out.
At home, I enjoy relaxing with my cat buddies Monroe and Bethany. I love water and I swim whenever possible. I also like lying in mudholes to cool off and chew sticks. Don’t worry, I get regular baths, so I stay nice smelling with a shiny coat. When I am not at work or relaxing with my cat friends, I volunteer at the Alfred Hospital, doing the rounds supporting medical staff and patients. This is a very happy space for me as I get to go to the hospital canteen afterwards for fruit snacks. In my free time I also support Stine’s mental health by being her highly motivated running pal.